Summerfield House
Day Nursery
3 Months to 24 Months
Age Groups

Babies & Toddlers
At Summerfield House our babies and toddlers are aged from 3 months to 2 years. They spend their time in the main house, moving through our 3 playrooms, dining room, changing room, bedroom and a large garden as they would at home. Every effort is made each day to ensure that each individual child’s personal needs and care routines are are met and that they have fun moving forward developmentally.
2 Years to 3 Years

This is a busy age group who love a lot of stimulation. A typical day for our two year olds include art and craft activities, songs and rhymes, stories, role play, fine manipulative activities such as puzzles and mark making. Our 2 year olds carry out many of these creative activities in the open air under rain and UV protected canopies. Each day they enjoy several short periods of play within our large garden, wearing appropriate clothing for the weather. Children enjoy a daily visit to see the animals in our small farm.
3 Years Up

Big and Little Pre-School
During this stage of life, it is our objective to promote independence and pre-school readiness. Our policy is to encourage children to learn through structured, planned and purposeful play within a caring, stimulating, and inviting learning environment. Children have the freedom of choice and space to move within clear boundaries and guidelines inside the setting. Good manners, turn taking, encouraging independence and personal confidence building is an area of strength within Summerfield House. A degree qualified practitioner takes group and individual lessons in reading, writing and understanding numbers. This allows our children to enter school being ready and receptive to learn, already having the underpinning skills to succeed.